Friday, February 13, 2015

Lesson 2

I chose a 1991 Ford F 150 pickup as the vehicle I researched.  At 30,000 miles three things needed to be done are:  change fuel filter, inspect cooling systems, and inspect the brake system including lines, hoses, and connections.  I had to chuckle, because this pickup has about 200,000 miles on it, has a tempermental transmission, and various dents and other body damage.  I drive it because there are so many deer and pheasants on the road I drive.  I do not want to wreck my good car again with all the deer I can encounter.

The latest recall/ maintenance information is a statement on the position for Ford Motor Company on the use of propylene glycol-based engine coolant.

I had never heard of a Power Brake Booster; evidently my old beater wheels have this feature!

Back when I was homeschooling my sons and trying to teach them Spanish, it was very difficult to get the correct pronunciation of the word sometimes.  This also gives us a better understanding of the language.  This is a great feature for some individuals who need the extra help at their own pace. The way words are broken down makes it easy to learn and it is not so intimidating.

Mango not only pronounces the words for you, it gives you the meaning and a better, well-rounded understanding of the word.

I believe the TumblebookLibrary has wonderful books, making it easy for busy child providers to engage youngsters in the art of appreciating books and reading.  The games are another fun resource for youngsters.  I would enjoy sharing this website with my baby granddaughter, and with young mothers in my church.  They are always looking for more educational resources to further their child’s development.

1 comment:

  1. The Mango, Chilton, Tumblebooks week is a fabulous week! The things you learn when you go looking--I've never heard of a power brake booster either. Now you know though :)

    Excellent application ideas for Mango and Tumblebook. The young mothers at your church will enjoy sharing Tumblebooks with their children.

    Thanks for the post,

